Norton's Taxidermy
The movement of infected carcass parts has likely contributed to the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) across North America. Certain parts of deer carcasses, most notably the brain and spinal cord, may be heavily contaminated with the infectious agent that causes CWD. Deer may shed prions in their urine, feces, and saliva years before any external symptoms become visible. As such, the Department restricts the movement of whole deer carcasses and certain carcass parts from deer harvested anywhere outside Virginia. Effective August 1, 2019, importation or possession of whole deer carcasses or any parts not included in the list below originating from anywhere outside of Virginia is now prohibited.
Carcass parts that can legally be transported into Virginia from anywhere* include:
Finished taxidermy products
Boned-out cut and wrapped meat
Quarters of meat with no spinal column or head
Hides or capes with no skull attached
Cleaned (no brain tissue attached) skull or skull plates with or without antlers attached
Clean antlers with no meat or other tissues attached
Upper canine teeth with no root tissue attached
All of the above must be labeled with species, state/province of origin, and name and contact information for the person who killed the animal or possesses the allowed parts in Virginia. (https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/diseases/cwd/transporting-carcasses-into-and-out-of-va/)
In light of Virginia's new law which states, NO DEER can come into the state unless the head is skinned out, we have been holding classes at Norton Taxidermy. All of the individuals listed on this panel have already taken our class, are properly trained and are ready to prepare your deer for transportation into the state of Virginia. THANK YOU for being patient and helping us put Chronis Wasting Disease behind us.
The following individuals are ready to cape your deer heads out: